Mobiles are something that we use in our everyday lives and are an integral part of our lives. Nowadays each and every person has a mobile phone in their pocket. With the advancements of technologies, one can get a mobile phone no matter how big or small their budget is. In this age of mobile phones, we consider a phone that has no apps in it useless. We have too many apps these days on our phones. From fine dining to exercise, from shopping to scrabble, we have an app for all our moods.
Mobile apps are designed in such a way that they go with our phones configuration well. Android and MAC are the two major interfaces that we have in our mobiles these days. The apps that are being developed are usually always compatible with these two major operating systems. Every day more and more apps are being introduced, updated and launched in our play stores or Apple stores in case of MAC users. These apps are really useful. We no longer need to search the internet for things that we need, it is just a tap away.
What is AngularJs?
When Android was yet to be launched in the market, Java was the most commonly used interface in mobiles. Even now when android has taken the centre stage, java is not yet abolished. It is still considered one of the most potent and user- interactive interfaces out there. AngularJS is an app that was first launched by Google in the year 2009. This app uses the same JavaScript framework. AngularJS has come a long way and it has made some very impressive adjustments in its user interface.
AngularJS is basically an app that makes developing apps very easy, it helps in making super-dynamic web pages that are easy to use and easy to work with as well. We need web pages for literally everything. Every business, every start-up, every new idea that is been introduced needs a web page o promote it. Bust web pages are not too easy to work with, there are quite a few factors that need to be kept in mind before making a web page. Java is the most secure and the most optimum user interface when it comes to making web pages. Unlike Android and MAC, it has HTML support that makes the process of a web page making much easier.
Uses of AngularJS
● AngularJS helps in extending HTML Templates, it also ennobles the users to use an advanced approach towards web page making and web page designing.
● Java is known for its better stability and security. AngularJS sticks to its own simple functionalities and thus is very easy to use.
● The modular approach makes coding easy. Also updating, testing and modifying codes for a web page is made easier with AngularJS.
● One can easily add Angular JS to a web page with the help of simple coding.
Domains in which you can implement AngularJS
To make sure that your web page is gaining popularity, some niches and search engine optimisation tools are to be incorporated in your web page. To make the idea known to all and gain popularity nothing can be better than a well-done web page. When you are using mobile for creating a web page AngularJS is your answer to all your questions. It will even help you develop a web app.Tips For Best Pratices Angularjs Mobile Development app can help you with the following.
● Video streaming apps- Video streaming apps are really in demand right now. Apps like Netflix, Amazon Prime Videos, and YouTube etc are some of the most prominent examples.
● User review- Market research is a very important part of developing a web page. First, you need to see what your customers really want when you know what your customers want and need them providing them with the best solutions is better and more money efficient.
● Travel apps- Travel apps are not very uncommon nowadays. While Android and MAC will make decent apps, the performance of a JavaScript is really difficult to top. AngularJS mobile development can help develop such sophisticated apps.
● Weather apps- Something that is present by default in a smartphone is a weather app. It is widely used and a JavaScript will be able to develop and manage really impressive weather apps.
● Social apps- In this age of social media, we can hardly come across a person who does not have a social media account. Apps like FaceBook, twitter etc all are developed with JavaScript and thus you can too do that with AngularJS.
When it comes to developing and managing an app there are many ways one can do that. But if you are using your phones to develop a web page then AngularS should be your best bet.
Is the Angular JS the Right Choice For Your Next Mobile App Development?